Year 12 Study Circle
In response to the increased stress that COVID is likely to have added to doing Year 12, we've decided to create a space specifically for Year 12 students to share and get the support that they might need to do as well as they want to this year - and to manage any stress and anxiety that the interruptions to "normal" life may have created.
Lead by our Education Specialist Katie, and a clinician each week (rotating through our amazing Youth Access Clinicians and our Centre Manager), and with support from our Youth Reference Group, we will be creating an online (Zoom) space for Year 12s to come and get either support around study tips and tricks, or around managing stress and anxiety in life and Year 12.
Mondays 3.30-4.30pm, from 7 September.
Bookings essential via eventbrite - download the Flyer for further information.