Looking for a job or trying to decide what to study? headspace Work and Study is here to help you along the way.

We’ll pair you with one of our work and study advisors to help.

Fill in the following form and one of the headspace Work and Study team will be in touch to get you started.

Find out more about the headspace Work and Study programs.


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We have dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Work and Study Specialists on our team

If you use a headspace online or phone service (or if you've used one in the past) a record of your interactions (for example, this could include emails, call recordings, chats and clinical notes) will be securely stored and accessible to staff who work in headspace online or phone services. This information you provide will also be used to personalise your experience throughout the website. 

Your de-identified information may also be used to monitor, evaluate and report on how well headspace is providing health services to young people. By de-identified, we mean the information provided will not include your name and will not identify you as an individual.

About your privacy

We are committed to protecting your privacy. Take a look at our privacy information here.

We will comply with our Privacy Policy when we handle your personal information.