headspace Telepsychiatry

For people living and working in regional and remote areas, accessing a psychiatrist can be difficult and expensive. headspace Telepsychiatry helps overcome these barriers by providing an experienced workforce and reliable technology, to bring psychiatric services to young people and local workforces via video consultations.

What is headspace Telepsychiatry?

headspace Telepsychiatry provides young people aged between 12-25years old who are attending a headspace centre in rural and remote areas, access to highly skilled psychiatrists. Our psychiatrists are experts in youth mental health.

Young people who are engaged with a headspace centre in rural and remote areas can access highly qualified psychiatrists to receive diagnostic and management advice. The service is free for young people (bulk-billed under Medicare) and provides better access to tailored mental health services.  
Once a young person is referred the headspace centre, in consultation with their GP, a video consultation with a psychiatrist is arranged. The video consultation is coordinated by the headspace centre to ensure confidentiality and safety for the young person. It’s an inclusive experience as parents or carers are encouraged to join the session, and ensures young people can continue their mental health care within their local community.

If you're a young person or a parent/carer in a remote or regional area - find your nearest centre to access this service.  

headspace Telepsychiatry can help build the mental health capability and capacity of the local workforce by providing access to a psychiatrist for treatment planning advice and clinical supervision.

The session format is led by the psychiatrist, based on the nature of the request and the psychiatrist’s scope of expertise. These hourly consultations may include discussions about specific cases, thematic/clinical review, or general management advice. Staff members or small groups can access this service on either a short-term or ongoing basis.

headspace Telepsychiatry provides live interactive webinars on specific subjects to upskill workforce and helps to build their expertise around themes they’re regularly seeing in young people.  

These webinars run for an hour and staff who participate can receive CPD points. Webinar topics have included anxiety and depression, psychotropic therapy, eating disorders, how to do a mental health stat assessment and treatment for alcohol and other drugs.  

headspace Telepsychiatry provides tailored support to GPs when treating young people with complex needs.  

GPs can access 30-minute video consultations with our psychiatrists, and it’s an opportunity to discuss issues such as a young person’s medication needs, or whether a referral to specialists or tertiary healthcare is advised.