Programs, training and professional development packages
headspace Schools & Communities offers three professional development programs for education staff in Victoria and Queensland. These training programs aim to develop staff's skill to support young people and their mental health and well-being.
Not available in your state or territory?
We are happy to speak with leaders from within the various education and government sectors to expand our current reach. These are valuable products in building the capacity of education staff and has been highly regarded to date, with several studies indicating that the package is effective in improving skills, confidence and attitudes in suicide prevention.
To register your interest for potential future training notifications, or to express an interest in supporting the delivery of these packages, please email Schools& and you will be directed to the relevant training professional in each state.
SAFEMinds: In Practice
What is SAFEMinds?
A professional learning and resource package for primary and secondary school staff that aims to:
- Enhance early intervention mental health support for children and young people in schools; specifically, regarding mild mood disorders and self-harm
- Increase engagement of parents and carers with schools to more effectively support their child’s mental health; and
- Understand referral pathways between schools and community youth and mental health services.
What’s included?
- One-day training (link to safe minds page)
- The SAFEMinds Toolkit
- Access to SAFEMinds Online resources
How does your school benefit?
Participants will be equipped to become 'Champions' in using the NIP it in the bud! early intervention approach (Notice, Inquire, Plan) as well as how to incorporate SAFEMinds into the school's existing professional learning and student wellbeing policies and initiatives.
Who is it for?
SAFEMinds in Practice is currently available at no cost to employees within the Department of Education in Victoria and the Queensland Department of Education.
To learn more about SAFEMinds visit:
When is the next session?
Find all upcoming sessions and book your place through Eventbrite:
If there are no sessions available or you have any questions, please Contact us.
Suicide Risk Continuum Training (SRCT)
The Suicide Risk Continuum Training package is a specialised program focussing on the identification, support and response to self-harm and suicidal behaviour in secondary students. Aimed at wellbeing coordinators, student support service staff, level coordinators and assistant principals.
This training will assist participants to:
- Understand mental health and mental health difficulties in secondary students.
- Understand risk and how to respond to risk situations to support the student.
- Understand self-harm and suicidal ideation in secondary students.
- Plan a response to risk and engage with and refer to external services to ensure continuity of care for the student.
What’s included?
- One day training
- Workbook containing resources, fact sheets and templates
Who is eligible for this package?
Suicide Risk Continuum Training is currently funded for employees within the Department of Education in Victoria.
When is the next session?
Find all upcoming sessions and book your place through Eventbrite:
STORM® Skills-based Training on Suicide Risk Management
STORM® Skills Training aims to increase the confidence and competence of secondary school staff by enhancing the communication skills needed to engage a student in distress, to work collaboratively, assess vulnerability, plan for safety and prevent suicide.
This training will assist participants to:
- Develop and enhance skills critical in managing suicide, focusing on assessment of risk and safety planning.
- Develop and enhance skills critical in postvention grief assessment and safety planning.
- Develop an understanding of self-harm
- Increase confidence and to promote positive attitudes
- Provide a common language around assessment and safety planning of suicide.
What’s included:
- Two-day training
- Workbook containing resources, fact sheets and templates
Who is eligible for this training?
In Victoria this training is only for staff within the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training (DET) who have the responsibility and who are conducting risk assessments and safety plans with students displaying suicide ideation. Priority access available for Mental Health Practitioners (MHPs), Student Support Services (SSS), Secondary School Nurses (SSN) and Wellbeing staff (prerequisite – completion of Suicide Risk Continuum Training required).
When is the next session?
Find all upcoming sessions and book your place through Eventbrite:
If you have any questions about any of the programs, please contact our training team in your state:
- Queensland:
- Victoria: