
Community can hold a unique meaning for each of us. Check out Project Visible, connecting multicultural communities, mental health and art.

About Project Visible

Visible is a project coordinated by headspace that brings community stories to life through art. In a series of community workshops held in July 2023, young people from Western Sydney- proudly identifying as refugee or migrant- teamed up with three amazing multicultural artists. Together, they created a series of artworks that explore experiences of mental health, shining light on the stories of young Australians with multicultural backgrounds.

This project represents the hope, strength, and love each of the young people have for themselves, their community, and their lives here in Australia.

Through Visible, we want to share our stories through art to help other young people feel safe, supported and accepted for their mental health. We want to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, encourage others to open up about their own experiences and inspire a culture of acceptance, understanding and community care in our communities.

A creative collaboration between young people and artists

Transformed by Grace

The most beautiful lotus can only grow in the darkest and dirtiest mud. This painted series by artist Emmanuel focuses on the warmth, healing, and growth that emerges from the struggles faced by young Australians from refugee or migrant backgrounds.


Each passer-by is living their own complex life. In this Zine, artist Oliver delves into the stories and experiences of young people, bringing to life the vibrancy, diversity, and community in Sydneys western suburbs.

Note to Self

What would you say to your younger self? What would you say to your future self? Crafted by artist Emily, this powerful collage captures bittersweet messages—what young people wished they heard in their youth and hopeful reminders for the future.

Online & phone support

Connect 1-on-1 with a mental health professional, chat with other young people and much more.

Who’s behind Visible?

Visible was created by the Australian Youth Advocates for Mental Health (AYAMH), coordinated by headspace National. AYAMH are a group of young ambassadors who have personally navigated mental health challenges and are committed to breaking the stigma surrounding these experiences. Learn more about Visible.

These expressions and videos were created in July 2023 in collaboration with headspace Bankstown's Youth Reference Group, a collective of young people living in Western Sydney.

This project was delivered in partnership with Visible, headspace National Youth Mental Health Foundation and headspace Bankstown