resources to help boost your mental health
Good mental health and wellbeing allows us to live our lives in positive and meaningful ways and cope with life’s changes and challenges. It helps us work and study, feel connected to others, be involved in activities and bounce back when times are tough.
7 tips for a healthy headspace
There are a number of things you can do to help you look after and maintain your mental health and wellbeing. Remember it’s important that we all look after ourselves, no matter how old we are.
- creating connections
- cutting back on alcohol and other drugs
- eating well
- getting enough sleep
- getting into life
- learning skills for tough times
- staying active
Downloadable fact sheets
Discover more about each tip, including some helpful suggestions, through the factsheets below:
Get Support
If you’ve tried some of these strategies for some time without improving despite your efforts, it’s time to reach
out to a trusted friend, colleague, family member, Elder, teacher, counsellor, or a health service.
Check out to help find the right service for you.
If you're aged 12-25, or supporting someone who is, headspace can support you through our online and phone services or centre support services.
Emergency Assistance
If you are in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance, contact emergency services on 000.
If you need to speak to someone urgently, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.
If you're Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, you can also call 13YARN