What's On
headspace Upper Coomera: Events Calendar 2025
Here's a snapshot of what's happening and where we'll be in 2025. If you want to collaborate on an event or activity with headspace Upper Coomera, learn more about how we can help.
17 march: headspace Gold Coast - School Information Session
headspace Southport and headspace Upper Coomera will be hosting an event for local high school staff. During this event leadership and wellbeing staff will get to know headspace Southport and headspace Upper Coomera, and headspace Schools & Communities and hear about our programs and initiatives. There will be presentations from the Mental Health Education Program, Be You, headspace Southport (clinical team), Early Psychosis and Lighthouse.
Contact community@headspacesouthport.org.au if you're interested!
21 march: harmony day
Australia is one of the world's most successful multicultural countries and our cultural diversity is at the heart of who we are. Over half of Australians were born overseas or have at least one parent who was born overseas. Harmony Day is about inclusiveness, respect and belonging for all Australians, from the Traditional Owners of the land to our most recent arrivals.
21 march: national close the gap day
Did you know that in Australia, Aboriginal people’s life expectancy is shorter, with more than double the rate of illness? Close the Gap is underpinned by the belief that when Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have a genuine say in the design and delivery of policies, programs and services that affect them, better life outcomes are achieved. Every National Close the Gap Day, we have an opportunity to send our governments a clear message that Australians value health equality as a fundamental right for all.
7-13 april: QLD youth week
QLD Youth Week is about celebrating young people aged 12 to 25 years and recognizing their positive contributions to our state. Keep an eye out for what we've got planned to celebrate young people this year!
17 april: youth homelessness matters day
Youth Homelessness Matters Day is a national celebration of young people’s resilience and an important day of advocacy for sustainable and innovative solutions to support the needs of children and young people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Stay tuned for more details about events happening in our community hosted by the Gold Coast Youth Service.
3 – 19 april: Gold Coast youth hubs term 1 school holidays activity
During school holidays, our Youtn Advisory Council (YAC) will be partnering with the Wesley Mission Gold Coast Youth Hubs and facilitating workshops around the city. They will use the opportunity to casually chat about headspace and how we can help. The Gold Coast Youth Hub sessions are:
- Free
- Drop-in
- Fun
- Social
What’s not to love? Chat to a school-aged young person you are working with and share the details! To find out more click here.
“Here, have a popsicle!”. Artwork by Sophie van Essen winner of the Queensland Youth Week 2024 Digital Art Competition.
17 may: IDAHOBIT Day
May 17 is the International Day Against LGBTQIA+ Discrimination. This day marks the date in 1990 that homosexuality was removed from the WHO Classification of Diseases. Over two decades later, LGBTQIA+ communities still face discrimination – the stakes have never been higher to champion inclusion. Learn more here.
27 may - 3 june: National Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week (NRW) is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia.
31 may: Gold Coast pride festival
This year the Gold Coast Pride Festival is going to be an explosion of colourful activities to celebrate our amazing LGBTQAP+ community. With live music, parties, and local acts – you won’t want to miss this annual event.
We’ll be on site, with a colourful activation. Details TBC.
1-30 june: pride month
It’s that time of year again – Pride Month! Pride Month is an annual celebration of the many contributions made by the LGBTIQAP+ community to history, society, and cultures worldwide. It takes place all over the world, in June, with celebrations that include festivals, parades, parties, and technicolour performances.
For Pride Month this year, we’ll be hosting colourful activities in our centre. Keep an eye on headspace Upper Coomera’s social media channels for themed reels, fun facts, and event recaps all month long.
We'll also be out in schools supporting activities for students. Details TBC.
5-28 june: push up challenge
The Push-Up Challenge is Australia’s largest mental health and fitness event. Challenge is a free mental health and fitness event focused on pushing for better mental health for all Australians.
Participants complete 3,214 push-ups over 23 days, representing the 3,214 lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2023.
All funds raised will go toward group programming across our Primary clinical program and Early Psychosis intervention. If you have any questions, reach out to our community team at community@headspacesouthport.org.au.
TBC june: waves forward event
"Without waves, we drift"
Waves Forward is an annual event led by the Multicultural Families Organisation (MFO) in partnership with Gold Coast City Council, Multicultural Communities Gold Coast (MCCGC), TAFE, and the Queensland Police Service.
The program is for Pacific Islander and Maori students to explore education and vocation, or alternative pathways. It's also an opportunity for them to connect with services that can help them overcome the barriers they may be experiencing (ie, mental health). At this event, you can expect a stall holder portion in the morning, keynote speakers, cultural activities and then lunch.
More than 150 students, young people, teachers, and other service organisations are expected to attend.
27 june - 12 july: Gold Coast youth hubs term 2 school holidays activity
During school holidays, our YAC will be partnering with Gold Coast Youth Hubs and facilitating workshops around the city. They will use the opportunity to casually chat about headspace and how we can help. The Gold Coast Youth Hub sessions are:
- Free
- Drop-in
- Fun
- Social
What’s not to love? Chat to a school-aged young person you are working with and share the details! To find out more click here.
3-10 july: NAIDOC week
Did you know that Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are the oldest, continuous living culture on earth? NAIDOC Week celebrations are held across Australia in the first week of July each year, to celebrate and recognise the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC Week is an opportunity for all Australians to learn about First Nations cultures and histories, participate in celebrations, and connect.
You can also find our Community Engagement team, and some clinical staff members, at the Kalwun NAIDOC week official launch and a range of the GC NAIDOC Committee NAIDOC events.
29 august: wear it purple day
Wear it Purple was founded in 2010 in response to global stories of real teenagers, real heartache and their very real responses. In 2010, several rainbow young people took their own lives following bullying and harassment resulting from the lack of acceptance of their sexuality or gender identity.
What started out small has now grown; however the message remains the same. Everybody has the right to be proud of who they are. So join us this year, on August 29th to celebrate Wear it Purple Day. Be part of a movement that has the potential to save thousands of lives. Be part of this change.
9-15 september: Gold Coast wellbeing week
Now in its second year running, we invite you to join us for Gold Coast Wellbeing Week! Run by the newly formed Gold Coast Suicide Prevention Community Collaborative, with support from Gold Coast Primary Health Network (PHN) and City of Gold Coast, this community-driven initiative is focused on bringing Gold Coasters together to foster connection and raise awareness around mental health and suicide prevention.
Stay tuned for more details.
10 september: World Suicide Prevention Day
Suicide is a major public health challenge, with more than 700 000 deaths each year globally. Each suicide has far-reaching social, emotional, and economic consequences, and deeply affects individuals and communities worldwide.
The triennial theme for World Suicide Prevention Day for 2024-2026 is "Changing the Narrative on Suicide". This theme aims to raise awareness about the importance of reducing stigma and encouraging open conversations to prevent suicides. Changing the narrative on suicide is about transforming how we perceive this complex issue and shifting from a culture of silence and stigma to one of openness, understanding, and support.
Learn more here.
12 september: R U OK day
A conversation could change a life. On R U Okay Day, we encourage everyone to reach out to their friends, coworkers, and family members and take the time to ask, “Are you okay?”. It may seem simple, but when you take the time to have a conversation with someone you care about and ask the right questions, you never know what might come up.
On this day, we’ll be sharing resources on things like:
- The signs you might notice if someone is not okay
- How to start a conversation about someone’s mental health
- How to pick the right moment
- What to say during the conversation
- What resources or services you can encourage them to try
TBC september: Gold Coast Multicultural Festival
Details TBC
19 september – 5 october: Gold Coast youth hubs term 3 school holidays activity
During school holidays, our YAC will be partnering with Gold Coast Youth Hubs and facilitating workshops around the city. They will use the opportunity to casually chat about headspace and how we can help. The Gold Coast Youth Hub sessions are:
- Free
- Drop-in
- Fun
- Social
What’s not to love? Chat to a school-aged young person you are working with and share the details! To find out more click here.
TBC: headspace Day 2025
headspace Day is an annual event dedicated to promoting and advocating for the mental health and wellbeing of all young Australians. The headspace network brings headspace day to life across Australia through activations, community and government engagement plus social media. This year's theme is Pause, Reflect, and Reconnect - the importance of reconnecting with the things you love to improve your mental health.
Find helpful resources and learn more about how you can get involved in your classroom or community group here.
5-13 october: QLD mental health week
For QLD Mental Health Week, we'll be flat-out bouncing from school to school hosting talks and setting up our community stall to let young people know about the free, confidential, and safe mental health services we offer.
12-18 october: National Carers Week
National Carers Week will run from Sunday 12 to Saturday 18 October 2025. It is a time to recognise, celebrate and raise awareness about the 3 million Australians who provide care to a family member or friend.
22 october: day of fun
Day of Fun is back on 22nd October! All Funlab activities at Strike, Holey Moley, Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq, Hijinx Hotel and B. Lucky and Sons offer super discounted rates in support of headspace. Visit our two local venues in Surfers Paradise. All proceeds will go directly to our Gold Coast headspace centres to support programs for young people in your community!
Visit Funlab locations on the Gold Coast:
- 1 Elkhorn Avenue, Surfers Paradise Queensland 4217
- 35 Cavill Avenue, Surfers Paradise Queensland 4217
22-29 november: safer schoolies
Finishing high school is a big deal. Where better to celebrate than the beautiful Gold Coast? Will headspace Upper Coomera be there to join the fun? You know it.
We’ve partnered with Safer Schoolies to help young people navigate the week of festivities with well-being, safety, and mental health in mind.
We’ll be in a prime spot, beachside with our fellow partners, letting young people know about our awesome online offering – headspace online. A youth-friendly digital platform where you can make a custom mental health toolkit full of helpful tips and resources!
13-19 november: Trans Awareness Week
Details TBC
See you in the new year! Our Community Engagement team will be offline this month for 2026 planning.