Young People
Your Journey at headspace Strathpine
What does headspace help with?
How do I get support?
What's on?
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While you wait options
We are a busy service, so at times our waiting periods can be long. There are external services that may be able to offer services quicker (though some of these may have some fees).
We know our waiting periods can be long so here are supports while you wait:
Find a Psychologist through the Australian Psychological Society website here.
eheadspace provides free online and telehealth support and counselling to young people aged 12-25 and their families and friends. This can be accessed here.
Kids Help Line provides phone and online counselling anytime of the day for anyone up to 25. Their number is 1800 55 1800.
Suicide Call-back Service online or phone counselling to people affected by suicide. Their number is: 1300 659 467 or find their website here.
Acute Care Team/MHCALL offers comprehensive mental health triage, assessment, treatment and support in managing mental health concerns in the short term for people over 18 years. Their number is 1300 64 2255.