2024 holiday closures

It's beginning to look like Christmas! Here are our centre hours towards the back end of December that you should be aware of.

-Thursday 19th December:
Open 9:00am-11:30am
Closed 11:30am-2:30pm
Open 2:30pm-5:00pm

-Friday 20th December
Open 9am-5pm

-Monday 23rd December
Open 9am-5pm

-Tuesday 24th December 
Open 9am-12pm

-Wednesday 25th Dec - Wednesday 01st Jan

-Thursday 2nd January
Re-open 9am-5pm

Remember, if you need support while we are closed, the below services are available to you.

If it's a crisis:
Emergency Services 24/7 000
Mental Health Triage Service 13 14 65
Urgent Mental Health Care Centre (16 Years+) 08 8448 9100
Present to the Emergency Department- Local Hospital or Contact your local GP

If you just want to speak with someone in the moment:
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Lived Experience Telephone Support Service (5pm-11pm) 1800 013 755
Lifeline 24 Hour Crisis Counselling 13 11 14
Beyond Blue 1300 224 636

If you would rather find support online: