Kickflip skatedeck project
Kickflip is a resilience building project where young people get to design and paint a skateboard deck over 2 half day workshops with art therapist, Jess, and Skate Pro, Tommy Fynn! 

Each young person will be guided to paint their own interpretation of mental wellbeing and the themes of determination, persistence and resilience on the skate decks. All the decks will then be displayed in our centre to showcase their work and help us inspire resilience in other young people.
Members of the Youth Reference Group have developed this project with the idea of highlighting to other young people that experiencing a mental health issue is similar to learning to skate in that there are good and bad times, sometimes you might wipe out but you get back up and try again. This project aims to build confidence in young people to become courageous and trust their resilience through hard times.
Young people must be aged between 12-25 years and are expected to attend both half day workshops (Friday 9th April 9:30am-1:30pm and Friday 16th April 9:30am-1:30pm).
Lunch will be provided on both days. Spots are limited so please contact us ASAP if you are keen to join this project!
You can chat to reception about his project by calling Ph: 3804 4200.