Holiday Season 2022 Operating Hours
headspace Launceston will close at 12 pm on Friday 23rd December 2022 and will reopen on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
Clients referred to headspace Launceston during this period may not be contacted until after we reopen.
If you need support we're still here for you. You can speak to someone 1-on-1 via online chat, email or over the phone at or 1800 650 890.
If you are in an emergency or need immediate assistance:
Call emergency services on 000.
If you need to speak to someone urgently:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467.
headspace Launceston is operated by Cornerstone Youth Services. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, Tasmania (Primary Health Tasmania).