headspace Fremantle Covid-19 update
Given the latest State Government announcement, headspace Fremantle will be temporarily telehealth and online only effective Monday 1 February.
If you have an appointment scheduled with us, we will be in contact to offer a Telehealth appointment - either online or by phone. Please be aware, you may receive a call from a private number for your appointment, as our clinicians are working from home to keep you, themselves and our community safe!
During this time, headspace is still here for you. You can get support for your mental health by creating a headspace account at headspace.org.au, or you can speak to someone 1-on-1 via online chat, email or over the phone at eheadspace.org.au or 1800 650 890.
If you are in an emergency situation or need immediate assistance: Call emergency services on 000
If you need to speak to someone urgently:
Lifeline 13 11 14
Kids Helpline 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467
Stay well everyone.