BRITE Ball 2023
BRITE Ball returned to Bundaberg in June 2023, and it was AMAZING! Be sure to check out our social media pages for plenty of photos. We could not have done it without the support of our BRITE Ball Committee.
Another massive thank you to all our sponsors, supporters and donators.
Youturn | Bundaberg Regional Council | Bridges Health & Community Care | CQUniversity - Bundaberg | Yourtown | Tom Smith - Member for Bundaberg | Phoenix House Association Inc | UnitingCare Discovery Coast | Best Practice Software | Stephen Bennet MP
Youturn | Bundaberg Regional Council | Bridges Health & Community Care | CQUniversity - Bundaberg | Yourtown | Tom Smith - Member for Bundaberg | Phoenix House Association Inc | UnitingCare Discovery Coast | Best Practice Software | Stephen Bennet MP