headspace Broome seeking NEW Youth Advisory Members
headspace Broome Youth Advisory Committee
If you are…
Aged between 12 and 25
Interested in health and issues affecting young people such as alcohol and other drugs.
Able to work in a team and participate in group discussions
Creative and open-minded about events, activities and forums
Keen to have your say
Willing to...
Support headspace Broome activities and events
Become an active community advocate for youth mental health
To educate the broader community about youth mental health and the importance of seeking help early
To increase understanding about youth health, mental health and substance use
Meet other young people interested in youth health and wellbeing
Receive training in youth mental health and develop a variety of skills including-
Event planning, team building and representing the needs of your peers.
Commitment from members...
Monthly face to face meetings will take place at the centre and communication via facebook or email will occur between meetings. Events and activities will also be discussed at meetings.
Call us on 9193 6222 or drop in anytime Monday to Friday between 8-4:30pm to find out more