Wear It Purple Day 2019

Wear It Purple Day is an annual day of celebration held in August to show support for LGBTIQA+ young people.
This year, Hayley (headspace Bairnsdale Youth Access Worker) and Brydie (headspace Bairnsdale Community Engagement Officer) were invited to attend the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning’s (DELWP) second annual ‘Wear it Purple Day’ breakfast. It was fantastic to see so many of their staff come together to show support for LGBTIQA+ colleagues, friends and community, and celebrate the day over an egg and bacon sandwich and a hot coffee.

All proceeds from the sale of the hot breakfast were donated to the headspace Bairnsdale LGBTIQA+ support group ‘Unique But United (UBU)’, and the staff at DELWP were very generous in their support.

The money raised will be used to host future LGBTIQA+ inclusive events at headspace Bairnsdale!




Brydie and Hayley with staff from Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning on Wear It Purple Day.