Funlab is Australasia's largest fun company provider, with eight brands and over 40 locations across Australia and New Zealand. The Funlab family includes Strike Bowling, Holey Moley Golf Club, Archie Brothers Cirque Electriq, B.Lucky & Sons, Hijinx Hotel, La Di Darts, Jukes Karaoke and Red Herring Escape Rooms.
Day of Fun
Since 2017, Funlab has held their annual fundraising event Day of Fun – a day aimed at raising awareness of youth mental health and funds for headspace. During Day of Fun, funds are raised through activity bookings at all Funlab venues and are donated to headspace National and participating headspace centres. Day of Fun is held on the first Tuesday in September. Since inception, Funlab's Day of Fun has raised over $840,000 for headspace.
Strategic Capability Corporate Partnership
In 2022, we were delighted to announce Funlab as a Strategic Capability Corporate Partner.
For the next three years, Funlab will be supporting headspace projects and initiatives which are only made possible by the generosity of corporate partnerships, philanthropy and donations from the community. Funlab will be supporting our online communities, where young people and family or friends supporting young people can connect and share their experiences through online chats led by peers, mental health clinicians or Work and Study Specialists.
Career Mentoring
Our partnership has provided professional development to Funlab staff through headspace Career Mentoring, and they are one of our strongest advocates for the program. Young people benefit from the guidance and experience of participating staff, which increases their confidence and skills as they navigate the path to work. Feedback from Funlab demonstrates the powerful impact the program has on their team, as they increase their mental health literacy and mentoring skills. Staff say that the skills they have acquired have helped on both a personal and professional level and all would recommend the program.