headspace Swan Hill open for business
headspace Swan Hill has officially opened its doors this Friday, 15 February, providing a vital new service for local young people.
headspace Swan Hill Centre Manager, Ian Johansen, said that the centre is one of the 108 headspace centres dotted across Australia.
“The team at headspace Swan Hill feel a great sense of privilege in serving the young people and families of our region,” he said.
“headspace Swan Hill is aiming to be the go-to mental health and wellbeing service for young people in our region, strengthening the next generation of our communities by helping young people get the support they need.”
headspace Swan hill has already serviced over 900 young people and plays an active role in the community to promote their services.
headspace CEO Jason Trethowan said headspace wants all young people to have access to youth friendly mental health services no matter where they live.
“It is exciting that this headspace service is opening in Swan Hill, giving the young people in regional Victoria a place where they can get the support they need to get back on their feet and fulfil their potential,” Mr Trethowan said.
“We know young people living in rural and regional communities have limited access to mental health services which is why having centres such as Swan Hill are so important in providing access to mental health services for young people."
For media enquiries please contact: Stephanie Fonti, headspace Communications Coordinator on 0413 025 385 or sfonti@headspace.org.au.