Future Generation Global supports headspace
Future Generation Global Investment Company Limited (FGG) is Australia’s first internationally focused listed investment company with the dual objectives of providing shareholders with diversified exposure to global equities while also helping to improve the lives of young Australians who are affected by mental health issues. headspace is one of eight mental health organisations that is benefiting from funding from FGG.
The donation received from FGG is supporting an innovative new project headspace will deliver in regional Australia. The headspace Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traineeship Program will encompass the development and implementation of a headspace National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Traineeship Program offering training and employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander mental health workers.
headspace will implement this program through offering training and employment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people. These roles will focus predominantly on youth and community engagement, increasing access to mental health services and programs and increasing the mental health literacy of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander young people.
For more information on Future Generation Global, please visit http://www.futuregeninvest.com.au/Global/