Lake Haven
Young people can refer to headspace themselves if they are 14 years and over; or can be referred by a parent, carer, GP, School Counsellor or other relevant person. If you are referring a young person to headspace, they must provide permission for the referral to be made.
headspace Lake Haven is located next to Lake Haven Shopping Centre at The Gravity Youth Centre. Catch a bus to the centre or us available parking. headspace Lake Haven is located next to the Metro cinemas. Wheelchair access is available through the front door, which has ramp access.
It is a friendly free service for young people aged 12-25 years. No referral required. Monday and Thursday late hours (5pm – 8pm) by appointment only.
- Monday: 8:30am - 8:00pm
- Tuesday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
- Wednesday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
- Thursday: 8:30am - 8:00pm
- Friday: 8:30am - 5:00pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
headspace Lake Haven is operated by Central Coast Local Health District. All headspace services are funded by the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care. Administration of funding is carried out by the headspace centre’s local Primary Health Network, in this case, Hunter New England and Central Coast (HNECC PHN).
Mental health workers – which may include psychologists, psychiatrists, counsellors and other workers – that can help if you're just not feeling yourself.
Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with work or study opportunities.
Centres have a range of programs and activities for young people. Just ask your centre what they have on.
Workers either on site or linked to the centre who can assist you with any alcohol or other drug concern.
A group of young people who help with events and some decision making at a centre. Ask your centre about getting involved.
Jobs and volunteering
Positions currently available at headspace Lake Haven
Are you aged between 16 and 25 and live on the Central Coast? Do you want to build new connections, develop your leadership and organisational skills and want your voice to be heard about mental health issues affecting young people?
headspace Gosford, Lake Haven and Wyong is looking for motivated young volunteers to join our Youth Reference Group to advocate for issues that are relevant and matter to them.
For more information contact:
Name: Rachel Jenner
Phone: (02) 4394 9100
Email: Rachel.Adams@health.nsw.gov.au
More information
To refer a young person to headspace please see the referral form and email address below:
Our team
headspace Lake Haven has a range of workers that you can see in a youth friendly environment including:
- Doctors
- Nurses
- Youth Access Team workers
- Client Services Officers
- Drug and Alcohol Workers
- Psychologists and Clinical Psychologists
- Mental Health Social Workers
The headspace Lake Haven Team include...
The Client Service Team:
Our Client Service Officers are the first friendly faces you see when you come into a headspace centre. They answer your calls, help with appointment scheduling and provide administrative support to our headspace centres.
The Youth Access Team:
Our Youth Access clinicians will undertake a young person's first assessment at headspace. They help develop and deliver treatment plans, provide therapeutic support and may refer a client on for further help as needed.
The Connected Recovery Team:
The Connected Recovery Team provide case management and therapeutic support for young people who require additional supports to manage risk.
General Practitioners, Nurses and Private Allied Health Providers
Our team of health professionals include GPs and nurses, who can provide physical health checks to young people accessing mental health supports at headspace services, as well as Private Allied Health Providers, who provide bulk billed therapy to clients who have a Mental Health Care Plan.
The Community Engagement Team:
The Community Engagement Team provide mental health literacy presentations and promote headspace services in schools and in the Central Coast community.
The Work and Study Team:
The Work and Study Vocational Specialists assist young people accessing headspace services (aged 16-25) to find employment or to re-engage in education.
The Youth Reference Group:
The Youth Reference Group (YRG) are a volunteer group of young people who provide insight and advice to the headspace services. The YRG ensure headspace services remain youth friendly and accessible to young people on the Central Coast!
need help? eheadspace online support
Check out our 'well' website for resources, videos and more!
Explore a collection of video series and other resources sharing expert advice, tools and brave stories to help you on your mental health journey. There are videos and tools for both young people and family members.
Click here to check it out.
How to get your own Medicare card from 15 years old

Young people can get their own Medicare card by applying online or filling out a form and returning it to Services Australia.
If you don’t have a Medicare card, we can assist you to apply for one. If you don’t have a current Medicare card or are not eligible to apply for one, you can still access our youth friendly team for assessment, brief intervention and access to our other co-located partners.
headspace Gardening Group:
The headspace Gardening Group at headspace Lake Haven is for young people aged 12-25 years old.
Our first workshop is our Terrarium Workshop and will take place on Monday, 10 March 2025, from 3:30 - 4:30pm.
Our second workshop is our Gardening (Veggies and Herbs) Workshop and will take place on Monday, 24 March 2025, from 3:30-4:30pm.
Have a chat with your headspace clinician during your next visit if you're interested in joining!
headspace Over 18's Social Group:
Social Group is a space to hang out with other young people (and some cool clinicians), to have fun and to remind ourselves that quality time with others is an important part of our well-being! Social Group is for young people aged 18-25 years.
Located at headspace Lake Haven (Gravity Youth Centre).
Social Group is on the 1st and 3rd Monday of each month between 3:30-4:30pm.
Ask your headspace worker how to get involved!
Young Authentic and Social (YAAS!) Social Group:
YAAS! fortnightly social group is for young people aged 12 to 17 years old.
Located at headspace Lake Haven (Gravity Youth Centre).
YAAS! is on Mondays (fortnightly) between 4-6pm and is a safe space for LGBTQIA+ young people and allies.
For term dates and registration details, please visit the YAAS website here.
headspace Lake Haven look forward to visiting your school or organisation!
headspace Lake Haven have a range of presentations on youth mental health topics that can be delivered to students at your school or organisation.
The topics include:
- an introduction to mental health ("mental health literacy")
- tips for a healthy headspace
- information on headspace and help seeking behaviors
- stress
- anxiety
- depression
- bullying
- ...and more!
We have resources including fact sheets, brochures and other merch (free goodies!) we can bring along to keep our presentations interesting.
If you would like headspace Lake Haven to attend your school or organisation to present, or would like any mental health resources, please email our Community Engagement Manager Rachel on Rachel at Rachel.Adams@health.nsw.gov.au.
What is the Connected Recovery Program?
The CRP team provides up to six months of mental health support which includes:
- Case management to help you identify recover goals and a treatment plan
- Therapeutic counselling and support
- Free counselling sessions without needing a Medicare referral
- Family counselling and consultation sessions
- Support around engaging with school or work
What do we do?
We work alongside headspace and the Child & Adolescent Mental Health service to provide you with streamlined support.
- We provide holistic, accessible, free and youth friendly services and support
- We work with a range of people to ensure you can be linked in with the services you need
- We are culturally and socially inclusive
- We welcome family and friends to be involved in your care through family inclusive practice
Who is included in your recovery?
We seek to include the people that are important to you in your life, so you can get the support you need to reach your goals.
These supports can include:
- Family and friends
- Your family doctor
- School teachers, welfare staff and school counsellors
- Youth support workers or case managers
- Mental health specialists
- Medical consultants
- Other
Where can you find us?
CRP is located at headspace Gosford, headspace Lake Haven and headspace Wyong. Check out the contact details on our home page.
Useful links for LGBTQIA+ young people and allies:
- AIDS Council of NSW
- InterAction
- Provides links and resources to psychological and peer supports for Intersex people
- LGBTI National LGBTI Health Alliance
- Advocating with a national voice on the health and wellbeing needs of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and other sexuality, sex and gender diverse people and communities
- Lesbians Incorporated
- A not-for-profit organisation in Australia that advocates for lesbians. Since 2000, Lesbian Inc has provided financial backing to lesbians and lesbian-friendly groups in Australia through its community grants scheme
- Minus18
- Minus18 provide support and peer mentoring to LGBTIQA+ young leaders
- QLife
- QLife counselling services are available 7 days a week, 365 days a year between the hours of 3:00 pm to 12:00 pm Australia wide Qlife Phone support 1800 184 527
- ReachOut
- Check out the articles on identity from Reach Out
- The Gender Centre
- Services for the trans and gender diverse community, their partners, families and friends in NSW, including accommodation, counselling, case management, outreach and social and support services. They also provide education, support, training and referral/resource centre to other organisations and service providers
- Twenty10
- Wide range of services for young people including help with accommodation, counselling, family support services, case management, group individual support and advocacy, groups and activities, information and referrals, training and rural support
- An engaging, activity-based program for LGBTQIA+ young people to socialise, gain information and support, and to have fun! The program runs on Wednesdays from 3:50pm to 5:30pm.
- Understanding sexuality resources at headspace
- Sexuality is about how you see and express yourself romantically and sexually. This is different for everyone and it is not as simple as identifying as ‘straight’ or ‘gay’. Check out more information on sexual identity in the link above
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services
We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, who are the Traditional Custodians of the lands on which we work, live and play. We pay respect to Aboriginal Elders past, present and in the future.
There’s no shame in asking for support. For wellbeing and mental health concerns, you can call headspace Lake Haven to have a chat about your needs.
Below are some Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community health services and programs on the Central Coast that you may find useful:
- Nunyara Aboriginal health Unit
- Phone: 02 4320 2698
- Check out Nunyara's website here
- Mingaletta | Health and Wellbeing Programs for Our Aboriginal Community
- Phone: 02 4342 7515
- Check out Mingaletta's website here
- The Glen Centre
- Phone: 02 4388 6360
- Check out The Glen's website here
- Bara Barang
- Phone: 02 4312 5133
- Check out Bara Barang's website here
- Barang Regional Alliance
- Phone: 02 4351 3225
- Check out Barang Regional Alliance's website here
Need some ideas for healthy eating on a budget?
See our young peoples' cookbook and try some of the delicious recipes!
We teamed up with the University of Newcastle's 'No Money No Time' Team to create this resource just for young people.
Please click here to make a suggestion!
Thank you for helping improve our service.
Check out these other services if you need additional support:
- Beyond Blue - Issues for young people or call: 1300 22 4636
- Beyond Blue or call: 1300 22 4636
- CanTeen or call: 1800 835 932
- Kids Helpline or call: 1800 55 1800
- Lifeline or call: 13 11 14
- 13 YARN or call: 13 92 76
- Mental Health Line or call: 1800 011 511
At headspace Lake Haven we seek to provide an excellent service for young people coming into our service.
We value and encourage your comments about the quality of our service and will actively seek to change our service based on your feedback.
If you feel we could improve any aspect of our service, please seek us out and let us know. In the first instance, talk to the staff member involved, or you can also ask to speak to a Team Leader or Manager.
If you would like to provide us with general feedback, please use the suggestion box provided here.
Thank you for taking the time to let us know how we are doing!
headspace Lake Haven Team – many thanks!