online functional recovery space

Welcome to headspace Adelaide’s Online Functional Recovery Space!

It’s important to stay socially connected and working on your personal goals.

Our centre's Functional Recovery and Community Engagement Teams will be using this platform to keep you connected with the latest resources and up-to-date with our online group program.


Scroll down for:

  • Groups
  • headspace Adelaide Blog Series
  • headspace Sessions Podcast Adelaide
  • Tips Videos
  • Spaces
  • Work and Study Advice
  • Physical Health and Nutrition 
  • Internet Safety Tips
  • Got Ideas? 


Our group programs are available for young people who receive support from headspace Primary and Early Psychosis programs.

Any questions about these programs? Call us on 1800 063 267 or speak to you key worker.


headspace Adelaide Blog Series

  • Finding Your Light - By Gabby (Community Engagement Officer) - read here
  • Supporting a Friend Through a Tough Time - By Chelsea (Youth Ambassador) - read here
  • Keep Calm and Be Cyber Safe - By Gabby (Community Engagement Officer) - read here
  • Pandemic - a Portal for Change - By Gabby (Community Engagement Officer) - read here
  • Just keep moving, moving, moving! - By Gabby (Community Engagement Officer) - read here

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headspace Sessions Podcast Adelaide

Produced out of the our very own centre studio on Wakefield Street home studios during COVID-19, headspace Sessions Podcast Adelaide is a regular podcast about all things youth mental health.

Each episode features topical content that is handpicked by the young creative team as well as special guests, experts and practical advice delivered in an educational, engaging and inspirational format.

Podcast Cover 2020

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed in our podcasts are from young people involved at headspace Adelaide, or are guests invited to be interviewed. Information provided should not be taken as clinical advice.

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Season Three

S3 Episode 1: balancing online study and working from home (part 1)

S3 Episode 2: balancing online study and working from home (part 2)

Season Two

S2 Episode 1: sleep

S2 Episode 2: when your friends are not okay (mens health week special)

S2 Episode 3: when your friends are not okay (young women special)

Season One

S1 Episode 1: mental health and the taboo

S1 Episode 2: battle of the butterflies (anxiety special)

S1 Episode 3: schoolies and coping with school results

S1 Episode 4: mental health in the media


Tips Videos

Here are some tips from our Youth Peer Support Workers and volunteers for looking after yourself while physically distancing.






More tips videos below...



Hop onto headspace Spaces and create your very own personalised profile, where you can gather, organise and share information and resources to manage your mental health journey. 

"Spaces has a wide variety of topics for you to choose from, including LGBTIQA+, managing anxiety, dealing with depression, study and learning and many more. Spaces is a great way to connect with others who have similar experiences to you and a safe place to explore your mental health journey.

– Tu, Youth Peer Support Worker, headspace Adelaide 

Create your own account here

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Work and Study Advice

"Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do. Online applications are the most preferred way of receiving applications by employers, and online study is a great way to build skills during this time.

- Shauna, headspace Adelaide Employment and Education Specialist 

  • Writing a resume, but don’t know where to start? This template can assist with creating your first resume or creating a new one. 
  • Ready for the job search world? We have created this handy job ready checklist for you to download. 
For more tips and tricks, visit headspace Digital Work & Study


Physical Health and Nutrition 

Exercise and eating for maintaining a healthy headspace is important. headspace Adelaide has created some factsheets to help you get started.

How does diet and nutrition affect mental health? 
Exercise, physical activity and mental health

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Internet Safety Tips

With all of us being on the internet more, discovering new apps and online places to hang out, our team has put together a new factsheet around internet safety. You can download it here.

You can also have a read of Gabby's "Keep Calm and Be Cyber Safe" blog here.


Got Ideas?

We want to hear your ideas! If you are connected with headspace Adelaide, your clinician might ask for what information you would like to see on this web page.

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Tips Videos Continued...







